
Sponsor Benefits

Angel Sponsors
Angel sponsors should qualify for tax relief which, when combined with gift aid can effectively double the value of the gift.

Companies Sponsors
Company sponsors can also qualify for tax relief and gain direct access to a highly educated workforce.

Advertising and Brand Sponsors
Sponsoring brands qualify for tax relief and direct marketing to a very attractive demographic, growing each year.

Drop down menus streamline searches while calculators highlight tax benefits associated with becoming a sponsor.

Sponsor FAQ

Is there a handling fee?
No. All contributions go directly to the colleg- es which are charities.

So why don’t I give directly to them?
You will be. But by doing so via the site you le- gitimise Sponsormestudent
as a place to go where students can find sponsorship. More students leads to more ad- vertising and sponsorship.

My company already gives to charity
The aim of Sponsor Me: Student is long-term sustainability, whereby
future graduates who have benefited can sponsor a student themselves.

So you’re not making education free?
Free from debt. There’s enough if that already.

Example 1: John pays for his own education John takes out a student loan of £27,000. This eventually costs him £56,880 and takes 19 years to clear.

Example 2: John gets sponsorship John now has £181.50 more in his pocket each month to spend, which helps stimulate the economy. Five years into his career John earns £60,000 and decides to sponsor a student.


If you pay higher rate tax you can claim back the difference between the higher rate of tax (40/50%) and the basic rate (20%) on the total ‘gross’ value of your donation to the charity.

For example, If you donate £7,200, the total value of your gift to the col- lege is £9,000 (the cost of sponsoring a student year) you can claim back £2,700 if you pay 50% tax (£9,000 x 30%) and £1,800 if you pay 40% tax (£9,000 x 20%).

You can also ask for gift aid dona- tions to be treated as being paid in the previous tax year and get tax re- lief on both income tax and capital gains tax.

Tax Calculator